Biagio Azzarelli

Chill Points App

(2024) breath training game

Chill Points web app screen shotPWA mobile app

Design & Development

  • Typescript - Next.js
  • TailwindCSS / DaisyUI
  • React Hook Form / Zod
  • NextAuth / Sendgrid

Villa Moana, Maui

(2024) vacation rental web site

Villa Moana Maui back deck looking out to the oceanproduction website

Design & Development

  • Typescript - Next.js
  • TailwindCSS / DaisyUI
  • React Hook Form / Zod
  • NextAuth / Sendgrid

Ready Platform Dating

(2024) prototype for beta users

fantasy art of eye in spaceearly access sign-up


  • Typescript - Next.js
  • TailwindCSS / DaisyUI
  • Prisma / Postgres
  • React Hook Form / Zod
  • NextAuth / Sendgrid

Miyata Investigations

(2023) brochure website

Miyata Investigation Services brochurestaging website

Design & Development

  • Framer
  • Photoshop

Error Corp

(2023) brochure website

Error Corp landing page screen capstaging website


  • Typescript - Next.js
  • TailwindCSS

Crypto Coin Prices

(2023) hobby site

Crypto Coin Prices screenshotstaging website

Design & Development

  • Typescript - Next.js
  • TailwindCSS
  • Recharts